Zinda Castlemaine

Zinda Castlemaine

Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services & Zinda Festival are proud to announce we are bringing Zinda to Castlemaine!
When: Saturday 1st June from 11am – 3pm
Where: Campbells Creek Community Centre
What: A celebration of cultures in Central Victoria
Cost: Free
Expect to see Bollywood Dance lessons, Mamba Negra African Drumming Ensemble, Cultural performance by Solomon Island & Tongan community, Mugi Rahayu Indonesian Gamelan, Japanese brush & music performance and MC Ras Ato DJing Good Vibrations.
Tables from Mount Alexander Shire Council, Castlemaine Community House, Ras Ato’s African sauces snacks & cookbooks, LCMS Global photo booth and more.
We can’t wait to see you there!!